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Better Together graphic with blue overly
Regional Educator of the Year Awards Now Open!

Each year we have the honor of selecting one teacher and one classified employee to serve as our Regional Educators of the Year. These individuals continue on to the statewide competition as representatives of the school districts we serve. Anyone can make a nomination. Nominations are due March 2, 2025. 

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Students visiting Olympia and standing above the %22Floor%22
2025 Legislative Priorities

Our students and their future success depend on the changes we make today to secure the funding our schools need. 

The superintendents of the 25 public school districts in south central Washington's ESD 105 region strongly recommend that the legislature makes significant investments in our schools by adequately funding all MSOC categories and providing funding for substitutes that accurately reflects current Washington State Labor Laws. 


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Capitol Advisors with backpack donations
We're Better Together!

There are lots of ways that community organizations and local companies can partner with us to support the students, families and school communities of South Central Washington! 

Contact PR & Marketing Team!

Kid smiling with yellow background
Enroll Today!

ESD 105 provides FREE early learning services for qualifying expecting mothers and kids ages 0-5 at more than 22 sites across the Yakima, Kittitas, Klickitat and Grant Counties. 

To find out if you're qualified for FREE services and to enroll, please call (509) 594-4562. 

Enrollment Interest Form

Open Doors 2024 Graduates with their certificates and a blue overlay
Reconnecting Students With Their Dreams

ESD 105 operates Open Doors 105, a GED+ program that helps students reconnect with their dreams and future possibilities! We currently have 150 students enrolled in this program and our Class of 2024 had 40 graduates! 

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Kids playing with legos at the STEM Building.
State Fair STEM Building

Fun Fact: ESD 105 has coordinated and sponsored the STEM Building for the Central Washington State Fair since 2010! Each year, this building welcomes thousands of kids and their families for FREE interactive and fun learning opportunities that celebrate STEM! 

We couldn't make this happen without our generous sponsors and day host organizations... Thank you for helping us make an impact!

Student Artists with their certificates
Inspiring Artists

Our 2024 Regional High School Art show featured 48 unique pieces created by 32 student artists, representing six school districts across the south central region of Washington State. We were proud to recognize 18 pieces with awards, many earning scholarships! 

View Our Gallery

Bus drivers in front of a bus.
Going the Distance

Did you know? ESD 105 provides transportation to and from school for more than 90 students who are experiencing homelessness! Our drivers travel more than 200,000 miles each year so that our students can continue to attend school where they have connections with peers & teachers. 

We are #105BetterTogether

Female leaders at the Women In Leadership Luncheon
Better Together Leadership Summit

In August 2024, we hosted our second annual Better Together Leadership Summit. With more than 270 attendees, this was a SOLD OUT event! 

This 2-day professional development and networking opportunity hosted nationally recognized keynote speakers, Hamish Brewer and Greg Bell, as well as breakout sessions to meet individuals' needs in the areas of leadership, equity, teaching and learning, special services, student supports, communications and more! 

SAVE THE DATE: Our third annual Better Together Leadership Summit will take place on August 6-7, 2025!

IAL giving out books at the Farmer's Market
Did you Know?

Our teaching and learning team has been able to distribute more than 100,000 books to kids in the last five years! With two years left of the Innovative Approaches to Literacy grant, this number will continue to increase dramatically! 

What is ESD 105?

ESD 105 is proud to serve more than 66,000 students and 4,000 school district employees across South Central Washington State! Learn more about how our agency impacts student success every day. 

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