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Principal of the Year

***NEW FOR 2024!!**

Nominate a PRINCIPAL of the Year from your district!

We are thrilled to share that we have a new category to recognize excellence in our schools.... Principal of the year!! Nominations for the 2024 ESD 105 Regional Principal of the Year are now open. Nominations are due by March 31, 2024. We will announce our regional winner in Spring 2024.   

Beginning in 2024, ESD 105 will honor one school leader to serve as our Regional Principal of the Year.  This award will recognize and celebrate exceptional leadership, dedication, and innovation displayed by principals and assistant principals in shaping the future of education in south central Washington. 

ESD 105 is home to a diverse and dynamic group of educational leaders, and the "Principal of the Year" award seeks to highlight the outstanding contributions made by these individuals to their schools, students, and communities. Principals play a pivotal role in shaping the educational experience of our youth, and this award aims to honor those who go above and beyond in their commitment to excellence.

Nominations for the "Principal of the Year" award are open to the public, allowing teachers, parents, students, and fellow educators to put forward deserving candidates. Nominees will be evaluated based on their leadership skills, ability to foster a positive learning environment, innovative approaches to education, community engagement, and overall impact on student success.


Who is eligible to win?

Principals and assistant principals who have not already been recognized as an "of the Year" and plan to continue working in their current role in education for the 2024-2025 school year.


How are winners selected?

Nominations are submitted directly to the Association of Washington State Principals (AWSP). Once the nomination period closes, AWSP will present ESD 105 with nominee materials for administrators working in public schools in our region. 

A committee consisting of ESD 105 employees and community members uses the application materials to decide which candidate best exemplifies the Principal of the Year criteria.

Common traits of AWSP Principal of the Year award winners: 

  • Leads by example
  • Walks the walk
  • Intense work ethic
  • Innovative
  • Inspiring
  • Follows through
  • Passionate
  • Highly organized
  • Great motivator
  • Respected
  • High integrity
  • Someone who everyone can count on


The selection of our regional winner from AWSP's nominees does not impact AWSP's selection of our State Principal of the Year. Nominees in our region who are not selected to serve as our regional winner, are still eligible to be selected by AWSP. For more information about the program, see AWSP's website.

Regional Awards

Have Questions?

Brittany Kaple

Brittany Kaple

Titles: Marketing Program Manager
Phone Numbers:
School: 509-490-5520