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Teacher of the Year (TOY)

Nominate a Teacher of the Year from your district!

Nominations for the 2024 ESD 105 Regional Teacher of the Year are now open. Nominations are due by March 1, 2024. We will announce our regional winner in Spring 2024.   

Shari Brink

2023 Teacher of the year

Shari Brink, Selah School District, CTE - Family and Consumer Sciences

ESD 105 facilitates the Regional Teacher of the Year program, which annually honors an educator who exemplifies teaching excellence in our south central Washington region.  Our regional honoree also serves as one of nine candidates statewide for Washington State Teacher of the Year (which is announced each fall).

Who is eligible to win?

Teachers who have not already been recognized as an "of the Year" and plan to continue working in their current role in education.


How are winners selected?

Once nominations have been received, the nominee will be sent an email notification of their nomination. If they accept this nomination, they will be asked to complete a written application, answer a series of essay questions and gain approval from their principal and superintendent.


A committee consisting of ESD 105 employees and community members uses the written application, essays, interviews, and a classroom demonstration to decide which candidate best exemplifies the Teacher of the Year criteria:

  • The teacher has the respect of their community.
  • The teacher is knowledgeable in their field and guides students of all backgrounds and abilities to achieve excellence.
  • The teacher collaborates with colleagues, students, and families to create a school culture of respect and success.
  • The teacher deliberately connects the classroom and key stakeholders to foster a strong community at large.
  • The teacher demonstrates leadership and innovation in and outside of the classroom walls that embody lifelong learning.
  • The teacher expresses themselves in an engaging and effective way. 


For more information about the program, see OSPI's Teacher of the Year website.

OSPI will contact nominated teachers with information and submission deadlines for turning in application materials.  Selection of our Regional Teacher of the Year occurs during the end of summer and is traditionally announced near the start of the new school year.  The Washington State Teacher of the Year selection committee then contacts and interviews the finalists for the statewide award in September.

Regional Awards

Have Questions?

Brittany Kaple

Brittany Kaple

Titles: Marketing Program Manager
Phone Numbers:
School: 509-490-5520