Head Start Protocols
- Program Governance Protocols
- Program Operations Protocols A-E
- Program Operations Protocols G-J
- Financial and Administrative Requirements Protocols
Program Governance Protocols
Program Operations Protocols A-E
Subpart A- Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance
- 1302.10- Purpose
- 1302.11- Determining community strengths, needs, and resources
- 1302.12- EHS Determining, verifying, and documenting eligibility
- 1302.12- HS Determining, verifying, and documenting eligibility
- 1302.12- MSHS Determining, verying, and documenting eligibility
- 1302.12- Transitions from EHS to Another Program
- 1302.13- Recruitment of children
- 1302.14- Selection Process
- 1302.15- Enrollment
- 1302.16- Center Based Attendance
- 1302.16- Home Based Attendance
- 1302.17- Suspension and expulsion
- 1302.18- Fees
Subpart B- Program Structure
- 1302.20- Determining program structure
- 1302.21- Center-Based option
- 1302.22- Home-Based option
- 1302.22-Home Visit Safety Protocol
- 1302.23- Family child care option
- 1302.24- Locally-designed program options variations
Subpart C- Education and Child Development Program Services
- 1302.30- Purpose
- 1302.31- Setting Up the Physical Environment
- 1302.31- Setting up the Physical Environment- Spanish
- 1302.31 - Teaching and Learning Environment
- 1302.31- Teaching and the Learning Environment- Spanish
- VIP Protocol
- VIP Protocol- Spanish
- Balloon Protocol
- Balloon Protocol- Spanish
- Field Trip Protocol
- Field Trip Protocol-Spanish
- Classroom Rewards - Incentives Protocol
- Classroom Rewards - Incentives Protocol-Spanish
- Outdoor Waterplay Protocol
- Outdoor Waterplay Protocol-Spanish
- 1302.32- Curricula Protocol
- 1302.32- Curricula Protocol- Spanish
- 1302.33- Child Screening and Assessment
- 1302.33- Child Screening and Assessment- Spanish
1302.34 Parent and Family engagement in education and child development services
- 1302.35- Education in home based programs
- 1302.35- Education in Home Based Programs- Spanish
- 1302.36- Tribal language preservation and revitalization
- 1302.36- Tribal language preservation and revitalization- Spanish
Subpart D- Health Program Services
- 1302.40- Purpose
- 1302.41- Collaboration and communication with parents
- 1302.42- Child Health Status and Care
- 1302.43- Oral health practices
- 1302.44- Child Nutrition
- 1302.45- Child Mental Health Protocol-English
- 1302.45- Child Mental Health Protocol-Spanish
- 1302.46- Family support services for health, nutrition, and mental health
- 1302.47-Safety practices
- HE-1 Bike Helmet Protocol
- HE-2 Clean/Sanitize/Disinfecting Protocol
- HE-3 Sanitizing Toy Protocol
- HE-4 Daily Health Check and Exclusion for Ill Children Protocol
- HE-5 1302.40 Dental Care Protocol
- HE-6 Diaper Changing Protocol
- HE-7 Emergencies Illness and Accidents Protocols
- HE-8 Handwashing Protocol
- HE-9 Infant & Toddler Safe Sleep and SIDS Prevention Protocol
- HE-10 Medication Administration/Storage Protocol
- HE-11 Sunscreen Protocol
- HE-12 Toilet Training Protocol
- HE-13 Health Care Plan, and Medical Alert Protocol
- HE-14 Active Supervision Protocol
- HE-15 See Something Say Something Boxes and Posters Protocol
- HE-16 Accident Injury Protocol
- HE-17 Checking in Child during Covid 19 Protocol
- HE-18 Health Room Protocol
Subpart E- Family and Community Engagement Program Services
- 1302.50- Family Engagement Events
- 1302.50 - Monthly Newsletters
- 1302.50- Family Advocate Visits
- 1302.51- Parent activities to promote child learning and development
- 1302.52- Family Partnership Services - Family Advocate Visits
- 1302.53- Community partnerships and coordination with other early childhood and education programs
- FM-1 Correspondance Binder Protocol
Subpart F- Addition Services for Children with Disabilities
Program Operations Protocols G-J
Subpart G- Transition Services
- 1302.70 Transitions from Early Head Start
- 1302.71- Transition from Head start to Kindergarten
- 1302.72- Transitions between programs
Subpart H- Services to Enrolled Pregnant Women
- 1302.80- Enrolled pregnant women
- 1302.81- Prenatal and post partum information, education, and services
- 1302.82- Family partnership services for enrolled pregnant women
Subpart I- Human Resources Management
- 1302.90- Personnel polices - See Policies
- 1302.91, 1302.92, 1302.93- Human Resources
- 1302.92 - Hiring & Training Process / HR Procedures Protocol
- 1302.94- Volunteers
- HR-1 Staff Training Responsibilities
- HR-2 Head Start Program Goals & Philosophy for Contractor Trainings
- HR-3 Head Start Contractor Training Packet
- HR-4 Seedlings Site Meetings Protocol
Subpart J- Program Management and Quality Improvement
Financial and Administrative Requirements Protocols
Subpart A- Financial Requirements
- 1303.2- Purpose
- 1303.3- Other requirements
- 1303.4- Federal financial assistance, non-federal match, and waiver requirements
- 1303.5- Limitations on development and administrative costs
Subpart B- Administrative Requirements
- 1303.10- Purpose
- 1303.11- Limitations and prohibitions
- 1303.12- Insurance and bonding
Subpart C- Protections for the Privacy of Child Records
- 1303.20- Establishing procedures
- 1303.21- Program procedures- applicable confidentiality provisions
- 1303.22- Disclosures with, and without, parental consent
- 1303.23- Parental rights
- 1303.24- Maintaining records
Subpart D- Delegation of Program Operation
- 1303.30- Grantee responsibility and accountability-N/A
- 1303.31- Determining and establishing delegate agencies-N/A
- 1303.32- Evaluations and corrective actions for delegate agencies-N/A
- 1303.33- Termination of delegate agencies-N/A
Subpart E- Facilities
- 1303.40- Purpose
- 1303.41- Approval of previously purchased facilities
- 1303.42- Eligibility to purchase, construct, and renovate facilities
- 1303.43- Use of grant funds to pay fees
- 1303.44- Applications to purchase, construct, and renovate facilities
- 1303.45- Cost-comparisons to purchase, construct, and renovate facilities
- 1303.46- Recording and posting notices of federal interest
- 1303.47- Contents of notices of federal interest
- 1303.48- Grantee limitations on federal interest
- 1303.49- Protection of federal interest in mortgage agreements
- 1303.50- Third party leases and occupancy arrangements
- 1303.51- Subordination of the federal interest
- 1303.52- Insurances, bonding,and maintenance
- 1303.53- Copies of documents
- 1303.54- Record retention
- 1303.55- Procurement procedures
- 1303.56- Insepection of work
Subpart F- Transportation
- 1303.70- Purpose
- 1303.71- Vehicles
- 1303.72- Vehicle inspection
- 1303.73- Trip routing
- 1303.74- Safety procedures
- 1303.75- Children with disabilities
Other Supporting Documents
- CFR 75.320- OS-1 Tracking Inventory Protocol
- ChildPlus Training Documentation Protocol
- Program Posting and Availability Protocol
- Self Assessment Protocol
- New Staff Entry in ChildPlus Protocol
- Adjustments Made to Classrooms Environment Protocol- English
- Classroom Binder Protocol
- Virtual Learning and Experiences Protocol
- Adjustments made to Sensory Play in Classrooms due to Pandemic Crisis Protocol