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ESD 105 serves as the regional lead for implementing the WaKIDS in kindergarten and special education self-contained classrooms serving kindergarten students. WaKIDS is designed to help children have a successful start on their K-12 experience through three components.

Family Connection, which welcomes families into the state's K-12 system as partners in their child's education;

Early Learning Collaboration, which aligns practices of early learning professionals and kindergarten teachers to support smooth transition for students; and

Whole Child Assessment, which gives kindergarten teachers information about the social-emotional, physical, cognitive, language, literacy, and math development of their students to inform instruction in the classroom.

ESD 105 provides training and technical support to all districts in our region on the implementation of WaKIDS as well as data analysis.  We provide additional support for teachers with the OSPI Full-Day Kindergarten Modules, Full-Day Kindergarten Guidelines, and Early Numeracy Modules.

Seeking district administrative support for child and class data?  Contact us for assistance!  Please visit OSPI for WA Kids training opportunities.