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Instructional Technology/Digital Instructional Design

Instructional Technology is ever-changing. Our challenge as educators is to make sure the technology we use enhances student learning.  We choose technology based on student learning---the end-goal or standard. The Instructional Improvement Cooperative supports teachers, schools, and districts with professional development to help make these decisions. 

This year we are again offering our Designing Digital Instruction. This is a series of offerings intended to develop the thinking and mindset behind digital instruction as well as learning the technology tools. By understanding the big picture we are able to make instructional decisions which keep the student learning in the forefront.

We are also happy to offer instructional technology training in your district or school.

Resources for more information on blended learning:
 Blended Learning Model Definitions

More Teachers "Flipping" The School Day Upside Down

Blended Learning Implementation Guide:

7 Things You Should Know about the Flipped Classroom: 

Predictions for Blended Learning: