Science Master Trainers
Science Master Trainers are an important element in the sustainability of the Science Education Cooperative. Master Trainers work with ESD 105 Staff to prepare K-5 teachers for the first use of their instructional materials. Master Trainers are also classroom teachers, leaders and advocates for science education, and "agents of change" for our region.
This page is designed to support the work of Science Cooperative Science Master Trainers.
Useful Links
Tools for Ambitious Science Teaching
The Tools for Ambitious Science Teaching webpage is sponsored by University of Washington and showcases tools and strategies developed in Washington schools. Find out about "Face-To Face" tools that support student discourse like summary charts, small group models, and explanation checklists.
Smithsonian Science Education Center
"The Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC) is transforming K-12 Education Through Science™ in collaboration with communities across the globe." Read more information about their three goals of STEM innovation, inclusion, and sustainability by visiting their page:
Smithsonian Science for the classroom
"The Smithsonian Science for the Classroom program, which is setting the standard for 3-D learning and 3-D assessment, is a new fully integrated STEM curriculum developed by the Smithsonian Science Education Center. It is designed to engage students in phenomenon-based learning through coherent storylines, inspire teachers with point-of-use support, and connect students firsthand to the world around them. It was developed in consultation with teachers and technical experts and field tested in a range of schools with diverse populations. It draws on the latest findings and best practices from educational research with proven results."
Carolina Science Online Digital Resources
Resources to support hands-on labs and science curricula.