School Board Development
"Create a district and community culture that reinforces the commitment and belief that all district staff and the community members are responsible to, and accountable for, the education of all students at every school in the district."
— The first recommendation in Closing the Achievement Gap: A Policy Action Guide, WASSDA, January 2001
As of July 1, 2014, all public school boards (and other elected members of governing bodies of public agencies) are required to participate in training related to open public meetings and public records retention (Engrossed Senate Bill 5964). The law specifies that publicly elected officials must receive training within 90 days of the administration of their oath of office, or when they assume their duties. Board members are further required to participate in "refresher trainings" every four years.
The role of the school board and the superintendent is to provide leadership and governance to guarantee ALL STUDENTS the opportunity to succeed in our schools. ESD 105 provides board training and development for exemplary governance that concentrates on the following:
• Establishing goals, vision, and clear outcomes for student achievement
• Creating structures and conditions for the superintendent to be able to function as a real transformational leader for the school system
• Clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the school board
• Evaluation of and planning for strategic plans
• Strategies to keep the community informed of student progress and needs
• Skills for fiscal governance
• Evaluation of the superintendent