Truancy Dropout Prevention System TDPS
Chronic absenteeism is a problem that leads to reduced academic achievement, a higher likelihood of dropping out from school, and a decline in good work performance habits upon entering the workforce. To help schools take action in reversing truancy and other areas of chronic absenteeism at their schools, ESD 105 is able to offer the Truancy & Dropout Prevention System. This collection of tech-based tools helps schools monitor and proactively resolve students' classroom attendance problems.
TDPS uses data from the attendance rates and individual circumstances of each student to automatically offer schools the recommended message outreach and intervention steps that staff members would otherwise have to perform on a case-by-case basis. The system is comprised of four modules that:
• Create and schedule intervention communications with parents,
• Provide truancy charts (reviewable through search categories such as grade level, type of absences, or school building),
• Manage court documentation (for issues related to more problematic situations of student absenteeism), and
• Offer access to an interventions app that school attendance staff can use to easily review student data while away from their office.
ESD 105 is the exclusive Northwest distributor of the TDPS suite, a product created by the Texas-based RaaWee K12 Solutions.
Read more details about what TDPS is able offer to your school's attendance programs by reviewing our two-page flyer. Then, contact Attendance coordinator Karl Edie to ask about bringing the system to your school.
And for additional information about promoting school attendance, see OSPI's web page on Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism.