Keeping Youths Engaged
The education of our youths is a community responsibility. School provides structure and helps our youth learn how to navigate in society. When students are not in school they are missing out on much more than a "textbook education;" they are missing out on an educational experience.
When you see a youth out in the community, take a moment and ask them if they are in school. If he or she is not in school, take another moment to find out why. This small act informs youth that they ARE being paid attention to, and that someone notices them.
Keeping our youths engaged means helping them feel connected to school and to the community. Reach out in a way that is comfortable to you. It can be as simple as acknowledging a student, waving to students on their way to school, mentoring at a local school, donating items to a local community agency or getting involved in school functions. Our schools need our support to serve all students.
Youths today face various challenges and barriers. They may not have the tools or resources to know where to go for help. No one has all the answers, but we have some information to pass along. Call 211 - the United Way resource directory can connect people with the appropriate resource.
Our students need to see that their community supports and encourages them!