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Our Mission is simple:  SAFE SCHOOLS.  Our Vision is critical:  PUTTING YOU IN CONTROL OF YOUR OWN SAFETY.  Our focus is a complete, team oriented, start-to-finish approach, incorporating all three major safety targets, PreventionResponse and Recovery.

A state-recognized program, the SSOCC (School Safety Operations & Coordination Center) currently serves over 20 districts and 100+ schools throughout Washington.  In partnership with law enforcement, fire departments, behavioral health, insurance providers, emergency management and a host of others, our passion is your protection.  Our programs focus on four critical school safety pillars:

  • Teams:  Assembling and training your staff
  • Plans:  Creating solid, adaptable protocols for all hazards
  • Communication:  Ensuring that EVERYONE knows the plan
  • Testing:  Establishing a culture of practical, progressive and effective practice

Our Vision: Putting YOU In Control of Your Own School Safety

Engaging the SSOCC is like hiring your own school safety team.  Our ultimate goal, however, is not to manage the safety of your school, but to train YOU how to do it for yourselves.  When crisis arises, you are the first responders, and our entire program is built to empower you to deal with them quickly and decisively.  Our goal is to put YOU in control of your own safety.  Here's how we accomplish that:

  • Monthly safety consultations
  • Leading practice Safe School Plan
  • Development of Crisis Planning and Response Teams
  • Comprehensive school safety training
  • Progressive school safety drills
  • Quick and easy customizable resources
  • Accountability for drills, exercises and other legal requirements
  • Threat Assessment
  • Alerting and Communication Tools
  • Monitoring and reporting on 911 alerts
  • Much, much more

Contact Us

If you would like to start taking control of your own safety, please contact us today.  We're happy to set up an on-site demonstration, web meeting or send you additional information about our programs and services.

Phone:  (509) 853-2047                    Email:

Your School Safety Team

Christopher DeVilleneuve

Christopher DeVilleneuve

Titles: Threat Assessment Coordinator
Locations: Allen
Phone Numbers:
School: 509-454-2489
Mobile: 509-864-7284
Megan Fraley

Megan Fraley

Titles: School Safety Operations Specialist
Phone Numbers:
Mobile: 509-823-6864
Amy Hayes

Amy Hayes

Titles: School Safety Operations Specialist
Phone Numbers:
Mobile: 509-864-0378
Chris Weedin

Chris Weedin

Titles: School Safety Project Manager
Locations: Allen
Phone Numbers:
Mobile: 509-654-8983
School: 509-853-2047