Suicide Prevention and Behavioral Health Navigation
Behavioral Health Coordinator
In 2017, the legislation (House Bill 1713) directed the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to provide leadership in supporting ESDs to hire a dedicated staff person as a Behavioral Health Coordinator. ESD 105’s Behavioral Health Coordinator works to:
Coordination of behavioral health resources, supports, service providers, schools, school districts, and communities in the ESD region.
Facilitation of partnerships across the multiple systems of behavioral healthcare services and supports for children and families
Collaboration with ESDs, OSPI, districts, schools, community partners, and other stakeholders to increase access to behavioral healthcare services and supports.
Conducting outreach to school districts in the ESD region to provide technical assistance and training for expanding behavioral health services
Provide technical assistance and support to districts on plan development and implementation of their Plan for Recognizing and Responding to Emotional or Behavioral Distress authorized by RCW 28A.320.127.
If your district is in need of suicide prevention training and/or consultation please contact the Behavioral Health Coordinator.